A Big Thank You (part 4)

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April 3, 2013 by susanyvivi


We are especially grateful to the following people who have stepped forward and showed their support of this project with a donation. All of you are helping to make local food production possible for now and in the future. As with every other person who is helping us reach our goal, you each get a big hug and a smooch from all of us working to put this together. Thank you, thank you, thank you:

Kara Middleton White

Rebecca Smith

Janice Ashworth

Martha Read

Sheila McDonnell

JJ Consulting

Stephanie Dunlop

Jacquie Ackerly

Swizzle Designs

Kimberly Taylor

John Bigras

Ana Sierra

Meghan Griffin

Michelle Buchmann

Deborah Gascoyne

Dorothy J Lower

Laura and Brent Hutchinson

Edie Irons

Dandilion Midwifery

Deanna Enman


Jackie Bennett

Rae Levine

Gerd Henri Kuhnen

The Dowker Family

Matthew Larmour

Julia Menard

Gerald Poisson

Marilyn Erickson

Erika Rolston

Britton Jacob-Schram + Catherine Keogan

Natsumi Oyama Laberge

Brenda Tessman

Victoria Gazeley

Susan Dobson Andrew Gallagher 

Far Side Farm

Irene Fizell 

Karen McLeod

Claudia Kobayashi

Philippa Mennell

Linda Johnson

Caroline Covil

Gabriela Dersch

Kaeleen Foote

Julia Grant

Joy Bretz and Bob Coltart

Rolph Ludwing and Suzanne Ives

Rosemary Jorna

Janet, Margo and Rainey

We are fortunate enough to have even more people to thank, so expect another big thank you post coming soon.

IMG_1074If you are thinking about making a contribution to the project, please do it soon – we have only six days left on indiegogo (at the time of this post) and are still a long way away from our goal.

If we succeed, this farm will be a symbol of what can be done when enough people care about the sustainability of their food sources and have the courage of their convictions to do something about it.

We hope you’ll be one of them.

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